Flannel Cleaning Rags

SafeRag is a WA-based provider of flannel cleaning rags and industrial wiping cloths. Essentially, we take reclaimed flannel cloth material from all around Western Australia and process it into reusable flannel rags.

What are flannel cleaning rags best for?

Flannel rags are industrial wiping rags, perfect for cleaning up after spray painting – unlike coloured shirt rags, the dye will not rub out of the material and stain your work. They’re also great for mining – an industry that works with oil-based liquids and petroleum-based products every day. Flannel is highly absorbent and non-abrasive, so it’s also perfect for polishing surfaces.

How does SafeRag work?

Our flannel cleaning rags come to us as second-hand pyjamas that otherwise would have ended up in landfill – then we clean them, process them and pack them in 1-25kg loads for bulk supply. The SafeRag facility uses a unique metal detecting system to identify and extract any dangerous metals from reclaimed fabric, including needles, pins, buttons and zippers. We price competitively and keep a huge volume of stock on-demand, available across Australia from any of our distribution centres.

Whether you need a small run order or bulk supply, SafeRag can equip you with all-purpose heavy-duty ready flannel cleaning rags. Just remember – it’s not safe unless it’s SafeRag! Get a quote for the safest rags in Australia – submit your order online today.


Made for Western Australia

Western Australia is a unique place, which is why we designed our system and materials to suit certain conditions and requirements. This means that we can offer you a tailored product before you even tell us what you need. If you require something that isn’t on our list, find out how we can accommodate you – even if it means pointing you in the right direction.

Get In Touch With us

Have questions, feedback, or need assistance? Whether you want to share your thoughts, report an issue, or simply say hello, we’re all ears!

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